Here is and excerpt from Erin's review on WrathsQueens Books:
After reading Unlovable last year, it instantly became a new favourite, so I have been eagerly anticipating book 2 ever since.
Where book one focused on Maggie and Seth, Unbelievable is Lilah and Cole's story. And I was not disappointed.
At first I was unsure that I could love a couple as much as Maggie and Seth, but I did! I loved that as characters they were so different, and yet they really did seem to go together, balanced each other out. Lilah being a flamboyant character, and Cole being slightly more steady (although not on his feet!) they gave each other what the other was missing and it was beautiful.
Ah Cole...adorable, hunky, klutzy ER doctor...need I say more? No. Exactly. Love that dude. You can read the full review here:
Highlights to Rachel of Blackbird in my Windows review: Unbelievable was a refreshing read from my current list. There were two things, or I should say people, who made this so: Lilah and Cole. Both were such dynamic characters, fully sketched out, that I felt as if I knew them personally. I also enjoyed how the chapters alternated between Cole and Lilah's point of view. This gave the story more depth.
You can read the full review here:

Thank you ladies!!
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Couple of smart bloggers there, to love the book like I do!