1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi Sherry, and thank you so much for the invite. I
write under the pen name Camelia Miron Skiba. I was born and raised in the land
of Dracula (and no, I did not meet Edward Cullen or his vampires ever). I moved
to the US in 2003 following my heart and the man who stole it. When I don’t
babysit faculty at Arizona State University I write a wide variety of romance
from contemporary to ancient worlds, from military to new adult.
2. What
do you do when you are not writing?
My mind is in a constant mode of creation, so even
when I’m not writing I do think about writing. Reading is my second favorite
thing to do. Add to that a hot venti Carmel Machiatto and you can hear me purr.
3. What
is your favorite smell?
About a month ago I discovered a relative new
perfume by Giorgio Armani (came out in 2013). It’s called Si and boy!, does it
get my senses on alert. There’s a little bit of everything in it from vanilla
to tropical fruits, to wood and a freshness yet sexy mixture I can’t explain.
4. When
did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book?
I began writing in the summer of 2009. Three months
later I had the first draft (boy, were those characters in a hurry to leave my head;
I guess my brain became too crowded). I picked the draft for Hidden Heart
two more times afterward until the novel was published in March of 2011.
5. If
you had 24 hours to live, excluding spending time with your family, what would
you do?
I’d probably record videos of myself for my unborn
grandkids, my family, my friends and my dog. I’d binge on vanilla with almonds ice
cream and drink Stella Rosa. I’d soak in the sun while outlining the stories I
haven’t had the chance to write. Hopefully someone will be inspired to continue
6. Do
you ever experience writer’s block?
All the time. Especially in between novels. In the
beginning I totally freaked out. I thought that was it, only one story and end
of game for me. Now, after 5 novels I’m at the point I try not to freak out
anymore (most of the times doesn’t work, but hey, at least I try, right?). The
best thing to do is give yourself time. It’ll eventually come back, your muse I
mean. If you’re stuck in one story, try writing another one. Something new it’s
always a good trick.
7. Do
you work with an outline, or just write?
really. I know who the main characters are, how they get to meet and where
they’ll end. Everything else comes down the road, one scene at the time.
8. What
is your favorite kind of cheese?
Here in the States is Creamy Havarti. Back in
Romania we had this amazing cheese made of cow milk that had the look of bulk
Feta cheese but the taste so, so much different (I’m drooling just thinking of
9. Is
there any particular author or book that influenced you growing up or as an
Growing up I read all the Balzac, Tolstoi, Dickens,
Twain, Dostoyevsky of the world. Fair warning: don’t
read any of them if you’re depressed; you’ll sink even deeper in depression,
guaranteed. My fave author was Alexander Dumas. The
Three Musketeers was the one book I’d re-read countless times.
10. Would I find anything growing in your refrigerator right now?You’re making an assumption that’s something in my refrigerator. LOL.
11. How would you describe
yourself in three words?
3sss: shy,
stubborn, sassy.
12. Is
anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
Mostly is whatever my mind along with the voices in
my head concoct. But there is a part in my debut novel Hidden Heart
where Tessa, my heroine is beaten up and raped. I had to dig deep in my own
past to pull it out and describe exactly how it felt when that happened to me.
The best part is that it did give me tremendous closure. Now I’m at peace with
my past.
13. Who
is your favorite author? Since most of you will probably say me ;) please tell
me then, who is your second favorite author?
Unfortunately I can’t. There are a ton of authors
that I admire and respect. If I only give you a name then I feel guilty. In no
particular order there’s Margaret Mitchell, Nicholas Sparks, Christie Craig,
Danielle Steele, Nora Roberts, Lauren Oliver. The list can go on.
14. What
was your favorite part of writing and why?
I love beginnings and ends. Beginnings because it’s
all fresh, my muse is pumped up and the voices loud and talkative. Ends because
hey, I finally finished.
15. Chocolate
or Brussels sprouts?
Oh, pliiiz. Serve me a side of broccoli as well,
would ya? Then slice my veins vertically to ensure deadly bleeding.
16. What
has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
Go to Goodreads, find my latest novel titled Me
Tarzan—You Jane. Look for the review that’s made of pictures by a French
girl whose name it’s too complicated to read. I wouldn’t call that toughest
criticism. I would call it rude. Don’t get me wrong; I can take a lesser star
review. I can take a review where the reader says the story, the plot, the
heroes or whatever else sucked. But to destroy a book because some heroes ate
at a certain restaurant or that they preferred croissants, or because Eiffel
Tower is misspelled that’s totally childish. Sorry, my spelling grammar didn’t
catch it or the two editors I had hired. We authors are humans, people. We pour
our hearts and souls in those books. I’m not asking you to praise something
that sucks. Just do it in a professional way.
17. What
has been the best compliment given to you as an author?
That I’m someone’s new favorite author.
18. What
is your least favorite smell?
and Blue cheese. Someone please un-invent them.
19. Do
you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
because you love it and not for the money. And edit, edit, edit. When you think
you’re done, then edit again (or you’ll end up with a bad review because you
misspelled Eiffel Tower).
20. Is
there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
Thank you all who took the time to read what I had
to say. Read a book because you love it. If it’s not what you’re looking for,
put it down and move to the next one. Life is too short to waste it on books
you don’t like.
Sherry once again, thank you for opening your blog
to me. Love chatting with you, girl!
Who I
was yesterday … I’m no longer today, nor will I be tomorrow. Each day I grow a
little. I stumble, fall, get up, and learn something. I wish and dream and want
and look to the future. Who I am is not important, but what I leave behind is.
Sherry Gammon

Thanks for having me over Sherry! Really enjoyed the questions. Can't wait to see you! ❤️