
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Fantasy Christmas and a guest post!

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 What do Witches, Elves, and Greek Gods (Oh My) have in common? They are part of the romantic Christmas anthology, A Fantasy Christmas, written by Cindy C Bennett, Stephanie Fowers, and Sherry Gammon

Banished from the South Pole, Kara tries to carve out a new life among the elves of the North. It’s not easy with a secret to protect—a secret she's cursed with by the unusual circumstances of her heritage: half-elf, half-fairy. In the North, she’s assigned to work with Seb on a special project. He's the most gorgeous elf she’s ever seen - and the orneriest. 
As if being banished wasn’t punishment enough. 
Seb introduces her to Trystin, a fairy from the nearby fairy forest. Trystin discerns her secret right away and promises to teach her how to use the powers given to her by the very thing she’s fighting to keep hidden.
Check Cindy C Bennett's web page for more information on her.

Nothing is simple for Aphrodite’s daughter, especially love. 
Scorned by society in regency England, Affry longs for romance. Upon encountering a dashing nobleman at her aunty's Christmas' ball, Affry gets caught in a lovely intrigue with disastrous results. Worse, she wins the interest of the gods. 

Now the furies of the underworld and Hades himself are after her. When all is fair in war,  Affry must use love as her weapon—but only for the one who’s stolen her heart. 
Check out Stephanie Fowers' web page for more information on her.

(Loving Marigold by Sherry Gammon
Author of Unlovable, Unbelievable, Not So Easy and more)

Young Marigold Yarrow has a secret. She’s also in love with Jack Mahoney. In the middle of her ninth grade year, Jack's family up and moves to Port Fare, New York, leaving the small town of Sugar Maple, West Virginia - and Marigold - far behind.

Nine years later Jack and Marigold meet again. They join forces to weed out the shady Abbott boys. The unscrupulous brothers are illegally selling moonshine near her home on Sugar Maple Ridge. And they'll do anything to get Marigold to leave the ridge. AnythingThis time it may be magic that tears Jack and Marigold apart.

Purchase A Fantasy Christmas-Click on links:

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A Fantasy Christmas blog

Christmas Fantasies Dancing in Our Heads
by Cindy C Bennett
The official line from the famous ’Twas the Night Before Christmas might have more to do with sugar plums than fantasies, but what other time of year is such a great time to indulge in fantasy? As children we fantasize all year long about that magical night when our good behavior is going to pay off in a visit from the Jolly Old Elf. As adults we fantasize more about the spirit of the season. The joy that comes from giving and charity are more abundant at Christmastime than any other.
Christmas has been my favorite holiday as long as I can remember. There’s just a different feeling in the air, a heightened excitement, and even beneath the frustrated and harried shoppers there beats a kinder, more generous heart in most people (Scrooges excepted, though even Scrooge has a change of heart eventually). I love all the baking, decorating, and shopping—trying to choose a gift for others that will be both meaningful and useful.
When Sherry Gammon approached me with the idea to do a Christmas trilogy of fantasy novellas revolving around a Christmas theme, I jumped at the chance. Write a story revolving around my favorite holiday? Yes, please. Soon Stephanie Fowers came aboard and we had the correct number of authors for a trilogy. I knew right away I wanted to write a story about an elf—not a traditional, garden-gnome looking elf, but a Legolas-type elf. Then Sherry informed us her story would be about a witch. A Christmas witch? Of course, being the talented author she is, she wrote a charming story about a witch that also just happens to be set around Christmas. Then Stephanie surprised us with her Christmas story—about Greek gods. And a fantastically entertaining story it is.
A Christmas Fantasy isn’t about fantasies we might have at Christmastime, but rather stories of fantasy to please different readers with a chance to indulge in a fantasy of their own—whether at Christmas or any other time of the year. We sincerely hope you enjoy the stories as much as we enjoyed writing them.

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